Brief Introduction for Cast Iron Cookware

Brief Introduction for Cast Iron Cookware

  • 2021-04-21
  • By Geovein

Fe is the basic element of cells, the total amount of iron in adults is about 4-5g,72% in the form of hemoglobin, 3% in the form of myoglobin, 0.2% in the form of other compounds. The rest is reserve Fe which about 25% of total, in the form of ferritin stored in the liver, spleen and bone marrow reticular endothelial system.

With the improvement of living standards, people's health and nutritional status has been greatly improved. However, but why Fe deficiency anemia patients increased than before? In fact, that’s related to people’s diet. As we all know, the Fe content of  rice,wheat and other staple food's husk is high, but these husk were discarded because of food refined finishing. In this situation, if this kind of food match with  high Fe content vegetables unreasonable,it will lead to Fe deficiency anemia. Cooking with cast iron wok, the iron element in wok will soluble in water and enter the body with food, It becomes one of channels for iron supplement. So we should promote to use cast iron cookware.

  Cast iron cookware is cast by hand with pure pig iron and using traditional craft, Its pure trace elements and unique active iron atoms are easy to be absorbed. The product looks pretty after processing and not easy to stick and scorch. Compared to other cooking utensils: 1. Aluminum tableware, the aluminum in aluminum tableware accumulate too much in people will lead to accelerate the aging of the body and affects people's memory. 2. Iron tableware, do not use rusty iron cutlery, because it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and other symptoms. 3. Ceramic tableware, The glaze in many ceramics contains toxic lead. 4. Copper tableware, every day normal people need to add 5 mg of copper to meet the needs of the human body, high copper content can cause low blood pressure, hematemesis, jaundice, mental disorders and even lead to partial liver necrosis. 6. Stainless Steel tableware, nickel and titanium in stainless steel are harmful to the human body. So the active iron atoms in high quality cast iron pot is the iron supplement fountain.